Messier (FR)
Automobiles Messier was a French automobile manufacturer from 1920 till 1931.
George Messier owned a factory for pneumatic equipment and had developed a chassis with unconventional air suspension, which did not need coil or leaf springs (French “sans ressorts”). In 1931, however, Messier gave up automobile production in order to concentrate again on the development of aircraft chassis. The resulting Safran Group is today the world market leader.
“Vautour” (c1927-1931)
Since Messier did not build many vehicles during its short production period, there are only a few photos available, and most of these photos were everything but high resolution. Although a bird with erect wings could be seen on some photos, the exact identification was not possible, so that it was assumed (wrongly) for a long time that it must be an eagle (Messier Aeronautique used an eagle as logo in the post-war period). In fact, as it turned out, it was a vulture mascot, designed by the famous French sculptor Max LeVerrier, as the following contemporary pictures from the 1927 Paris Motor Show prove beyond doubt.
The mascot was offered by the well-known French car accessories store Mestre & Blatgé. It was available in various platings. As a greenish to black patinated bronze, it was also sold as a decorative desk piece such as a paperweight or bookend on marble bases. The actual car mascot, however, was to be silver or nickel plated.
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